“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” ~Mahatma Gandhi

It takes a village! We are a 100% volunteer-based organization, every penny goes toward the care of the residents. That means that we rely upon volunteers like you for help. NSLB is constantly seeking compassionate, hardworking, dedicated, & diverse volunteers.

All volunteers are required to complete an application and sign a release. Pick the option easiest for you.

On-Site Volunteer Opportunities

We hold monthly orientations for those wishing to volunteer on-site. Once we’ve received your application, you’ll receive an email with those details. We ask that volunteers commit to a minimum of 4 hours per month, rain or shine! All volunteers must wear closed-toed shoes or boots while working. We have on-site opportunities for regular daily tasks and monthly workdays.


  • Ability to regularly stand for long hours
  • Withstand extreme temperatures & weather. The job is outdoors and the work must be done regardless.
  • Follow directions well
  • Work in groups well

Daily Tasks include but are not limited to:

  • Cleaning animal housing (raking, shoveling, using a pitchfork and cart/wheelbarrow, etc.
  • Changing water
  • Scrubbing water dishes/troughs
  • Picking up poop
  • Moving materials
  • Distributing straw
  • Small construction projects

Monthly Workdays include but are not limited to:

  • Pasture clean up
  • Special construction projects
  • Full barn mucking
  • Removing harmful plants from the pasture
  • Installing fencing

Off-Site Volunteer Opportunities

We are always looking for assistance to improve and be more efficient.

We are currently looking for assistance with our website, social media, event planning, fundraising, grant writing, phones & email, legal services, accounting & bookkeeping services, hosting auctions, just to name a few. Please complete the application if you have skills, time, services that you are interested in sharing from wherever you are.